
Differences Between jQuery .bind() vs .live() vs .delegate() vs .on()

I’m a Christian and a Family Man. I develop at appendTo providing jQuery and JavaScript Consulting. I’m an ASP.NET MVP and a ASPInsider. I’m also active on Twitter and Google+.
–>{ „name“: „Elijah Manor„, „priorities“ : [ „Christian„, „Family„, „Work“ ], „employer“ : „appendTo„, „title“ : [ „Senior Architect„, „Trainer“ ], „tech“ : [ „JavaScript„, „jQuery„, „HTML5“ ], „awards“ : [ „Microsoft Regional Director„, „ASP.NET MVP„, „ASPInsider“ ], „social“: [ „Twitter„, „Google+„, „LinkedIn“ ] }

Interesting findings abouts the differences between jQuery bind, live, delegate and on